
hati itu batu atau batu itu hati?!

"Hati ko cm batu ah!"
"ko berhati batu"
"bapak ah...da la keras kepala,
hati cm batu lak uh.."
hati da jd batu
batu da jd hati neyh??
hati batu=egokah?
sombong=selfish ke?

ini BATU...=p

spe cakap batu tu keras?
batu itu sungguh tidak sama dengan hati manusia...setuju?
>>batu kalo keras senang jek...
amek hammer dan yg sewaktu dgnnye -
ketuk, pecah, settle...
wr jek ssuke ati...haha...
>>tp manusia?
kalo keras hati, trok g dr batu..
002.074-Surah 2 - Al Baqarah THE HEIFER
Thenceforth were your hearts hardened: They became like a rock and even worse in hardness. For among rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth; others there are which when split asunder send forth water; and others which sink for fear of God. And God is not unmindful of what ye do.

sedangkan penciptaan manusia itu sendiri sudah
evrything related to it - of coz ah...complicated.
e.g: emotional n behavioral reflexes jer - regulated by hypothalamus..yg laen tuu?

cene jek kalo hati tuu da 'mati'?
-lalai dr mengingati Allah?
-xkembali kpd fitrah?
na'udzhubillah min dzalik..

peringatan wt diri sendiri gakk neyh...
moga aku dapat kurangkn kemerapuanku~
moga kita (tmasok aku) dapat jd hamba yg bsyukur
ditetapkan hati pada jalan-Nya -ameen~

kata2 itu masih aku ingat, stil fresh:

"taw nk mtk itu ini kat Allah, tp hak Allah tataw nk jaga.."

"cene pown, ko akan ttp kne uji...Allah tu penuh ngn strategi..
ujian itu diberi mengikut kmampuan org nk diuji..
everybody is special in their own way,
so logik ah nk uji pown ngn cara laen2..common sense!"

"ko sdeyh ble xdpt pe ko nk...
cbe Allah nak ko bg x?
Allah stil bg ko hidup f.o.c* kt dunia neyh...
so, spe kte nk bputus asa dgn Allah?
sila baik sangka dgn al-Khaliq!"

"Allah xpernah menzalimi kita, tp kita yg menzalimi diri sendiri..
sbb xbersyukur dengan nikmatnya...dun t8 things 4 granted.."


maafkan saya...
kdg2 tanpa disedari
sy batukan diri..
sy keras kepala..
sy keras hati..etc.
maafkan kekhilafan diri ini ea..

pesanan penaja>>Alwez ask urself to b better<<

p/s: skang da masok musim xm! doa2kn kjyn kami...xm mid yr (1st yr) begins -260110!

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Unknown said...


jaga hati..
jgn dikotori..

natriumnatrium said...

'lets purify da soul'

sNsH said...

002.214 Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden (of bliss) without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They encountered suffering and adversity, and were so shaken in spirit that even the Apostle and those of faith who were with him cried: "When (will come) the help of God?" Ah! Verily, the help of God is (always) near!

ujian ALLAH datang dlm plbgai bentuk..
dan ALLAH xkn beri sesuatu ujian kpd hambaNya melainkn ia mampu utk menanggung ujian trsbut..
tp kdg2 kta sbgai hamba mudah merasa lemah dn b'putus asa..
igtlah bhwa ALLAH itu sntiasa dkt..

natriumnatrium said...

arigatou...syukran doe!
sme2 support...

kte dtg sme2, nk blik pown sme2, nk msok jannah pown ssme..insyaAllah..

kte smue de matlamat yg sme, mardhatillah wa barakatillah...

cme kne mujahadah dgn wasilah yg berbeza..ikowt kmampuan diri...=)

sNsH said...


skrg pon tgh dok problem..
bkn masalah ngn owg laen..
juz masalah ngn diri sdiri yg x brp nak btol..
a part of me know dat i'm doing sumting wrong n bad..
but its kinda hard to fight w other part of me that controlling..
susah bla pkran x brgrak seiring ngn hati ngn kehendak..
n i dun know which one is not function' well rite now..
really need sumting like homeostasis i guess..
+ve feedback mb..

natriumnatrium said...

huhuu~ t8 tyme..
*haseebu anfusakum qabla an tuhaseebuu*

setiap owg de 'dark side' & 'dark ages'...huhuu...T_T

though da guilts stil haunts...let not do da same mist8s again..let it be da past...move on..n yet, bear in mind dt da hardest part of movin on - is not lookin back! sme2 support ea!!

may Allah guide us in evrything we do, He's da Lord of the Tremendous Throne..ameen~

aku pown cenggituu gak...
settlekan konflik diri yuk!
luv ya!!

p/s: usaha jadi yg terbaek, demi yg terbaek! ^_^


