
That hurts me from inside. Really.

That hurts me from inside. Really.
but who cares?
lyke anyone cares, huh?

it was lyke lalala~
wt a dilemma *sigh*

well..i'm sick of diz.
dt gaze, dt look.
those wordz, those whispers.


am i
clinging to sanity but crossing d lines?

hey, i noe right now u can't tell
but wud u juz gimme chance?

i noe dark things
a lot or a few...nah, who cares?
things dt i shudn't noe
well, dt's wt THEY said.
but, if u dunno THESE things
how u gonna approach them?

perhapz, coz i noe THESE things
i've been carried away


but, alhamdulillah
now my days are better than thosedays, insyaALLAH.

*moga ALLAH ttpkn hati ini pd jlnNya, ameen*

but the dark side of me - it's stil there
dt's y til dz day i stil get dt very gaze wtsoeva

has dark side n dark ages
stop denyin d facts.
live with it.


for the sake of ummah...
please dun b so judgemental, wud ya?

stay a while, and maybe you'll see a different side of me
i wanna b a good gurl, good muslimah and good doctor toO!

Oo..ALLAH grant us strength to get thru dz things
endowed us wif knowledge

p/s: alhamdulillah post ini bjaya smpi ke ujong dgn penggunaan ayatt2/pkataan yg "tuttt" secara minimum, dan kumengambil mse yg amat lme utk meminimumkan penggunaan perkataan supaya aku xde ahh letak ayatt tuu...ckuplah sket2..yg lbeyh simpan wt latent heat, latent emo.

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hari terakhir winter break
esok akan bersambung kembali pengembaraan
suatu chapter baru dalam perjuanagn menjadi tobibah
moga tomorrow better dr hari neyh...

>>ganbatte kudasai!!

tolonglah mengerti bahawa hidupmu yang jaoh di perantauan ini bukanlah sia2..
yakinlah bahawa ALLAH itu sebaik2 perancang- the Knower of All..

tolonglah lihat setiap dugaan yg kau hadapi tuu bukanlah suatu halangan tapi suatu peluang
untuk kau bukak mata, minda dan hatimu...

moga kau mengerti bahawa yang kita cari ialah seinfiniti redha al-Khaliq...
namun lam idop ini kita x
kalo kt gua pon- xdenye boleyh survive sorg2..
tarzan pon de kwn ott...muahaha~~
dan setiap sesuatu itu ada hak2 tersendiri..
tunaikan hak anda..kewajipan anda...
hak kepada al-Khaliq, Rasulullah s.a.w, ibu bapa + keluarga, shbt + msyrkt dan dirimu...

silalah professional dalam setiap amalmu..
so, bersikap ihsanlah dalam amalmu..


Ujian itOo tanda ALLAH sygkn kte kn?
bersyukurlah kte diuji walopon it's easier said than done.
sbb kte gakk yg rugi kalo xbersangka baek dgn al-Khaliq...
at least, bersyukurlah u're stil alive!

29:2 (Asad) DO MEN THINK that on their [mere] saying, “We have attained to faith”, they will be left to themselves, and will not be put to a test?
29:3 (Asad) Yea, indeed, We did test those who lived before them; and so, [too, shall be tested the people now living: and] most certainly will God mark out those who prove themselves true, and most certainly will He mark out those who are lying. [2] -

p/s: suatu perkongsian dan peringatan bt diri ini dan member len gakk...huhuu~

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winter break? Part 4

wktuu turun tuu jmpk tmpt neyh~
ini perkampungan nabi ilyas a.s yg kaumnye xdisebutkan lam al-Quran, sini de tmpat bsandar nabi ilyas, tinggalan lembah sungai, dan pokok yg idop sejak zaman nabi ilyas a.s
itulah laluan yg dilalui wktu turun gunung sinai uhh xcaya jekk tuu jln yg tlah dilalui!!!

itu makam nabi haroun a.s , nun di atas bukit sne
tp de tnde cross ~ sbb those christians pon cye gak nabi haroun a.s neyh
model: k.lee dan k.rem hee~

ini lak lembu samiri tuu~ sbrg jalan dr makam nabi haroun a.s da smpi sni
ini plak makam nabi saleh a.s

ini makam nabi salleh a.s
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winter break? Part 3

swaktu pndakian~
hani n k.lee

hee~ subhanallah!
sunrise kt puncak
jabal musa a.k.a mount horeb a.k.a mount sinai
wif rahimah kt puncak uhh

ini tempat nabi Musa a.s bmunajat kpd ALLAH s.w.t
thousands yrs back

007.143 When Moses came to the place appointed by Us, and his Lord addressed him, He said: "O my Lord! show (Thyself) to me, that I may look upon thee." God said: "By no means canst thou see Me (direct); But look upon the mount; if it abide in its place, then shalt thou see Me." When his Lord manifested His glory on the Mount, He made it as dust. And Moses fell down in a swoon. When he recovered his senses he said: "Glory be to Thee! to Thee I turn in repentance, and I am the first to believe."

ini daun sembunyi lam batu
sbb takowt nk tgk zat ALLAH swt
sewaktu peristiwa lam ayat 143; al-'araf berlaku
subhanallah...malunye sy kt daun n batu2 neyh!!

p/s: bnyk g gmbr nk upload tp tenet gelonk*, tggu part 4 n 5 etc..muahaha..tu pon kalo rajen.
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winter break? Part 2

ini pmndangan dr nukhtah hasinah yg mrupakan
antara tinggalan kubu israel wktu perang ngan mesir
pperangan 3 penjuru - israel kalah.
ni antara terjemahan kitab taurat a.k.a torah
kt nuktah hasinah gak
israel sgt techno tp bantuan ALLAH mengatasi sgalanya


002.060 And remember Moses prayed for water for his people; We said: "Strike the rock with thy staff." Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs. Each group knew its own place for water. So eat and drink of the sustenance provided by God, and do no evil nor mischief on the (face of the) earth.

ini 'uyun nabi Musa a.s yg ptama
ini 'uyun yg kedua

thousands yrs back,
disinilah kisah lam ayat 60; al-baqarah tuu berlaku...
Alhamdulillah, ALLAH beri ruang bt insan ini mnjejakkn kaki ke situ.
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winter break? Part 1

hehhe...winter break stat 050210 ohh! til 200210 neyh...

termeterai sbuah ikatan~pernikahan
k. naimah binti zakaria (senpai taon 4) ngan Dr. husmar israq bin husain
bku yg sgt bnykkkk!
international boOk fair a.k.a ma'rod kutub
yg ke-2 or ke-3 besar di dunia.. (xsure)
shopping di City Star
jumpak Onie!!!

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apakah, huh?

yOu hAvE tO aDaPt n adOpt, huh?!'s eAsiEr sAid thAn dOne!

aCtiOn spEakS loUdEr thAn wOrDs, ryte?

Little is bEttEr than nOnE!

LatE is bEttEr thAn nEvEr!

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3:185 Every human being is bound to taste death: but only on the Day of Resurrection will you be requited in full [for whatever you have done] - whereupon he that shall be drawn away from the fire and brought into paradise will indeed have gained a triumph: for the life of this world is nothing but an enjoyment of self-delusion.


ingat mati tuu
memotivasikan diri

esok pasti ada
tp kte, cnfirm ke de sok?

mati tuu kt
mne2 je
ble2 je

mati=perkara sensitif
btul x?

p/s: moga2 husnul-khatimah ea! ameen~


ble ingat mati
kte akan usaha lakukan yg terbaek
dlm smue mende

ble ingat mati
kte rse bsyukur kte maseh idop
dapat mneruskn idop
sbagai hambaNya
i'm grateful dt i'm stil alive

ble ingat mati
kte nk insan yg kte syg tao
btpe kte syg mereka
walopon mungkin it means nothing to them

maafkan insan ini
yg slaloO mOody xtentu hala
kerapkali emo ntah pape
seringkali xketahuan


l8ly, banyak sgt mende yg berlaku.
not only nightmares
but oso in everyday life
dayz n nitez

all i can say
"ALHAMDULILLAH, i'm stil alive"
dan moga dpt kuteruskan pinjaman hidup ini
seperti hambaNya yg bersyukur.
ameen ya rabb~

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abes sudaa...

salam... Alhamdulillah, tawakkal 'alallah...mid year xm da abeh..winter break da bmule uhh! dan akan tamat pd 20hb neyh...erm2..guess wt? sejak PMR till SPM then smpi ke Mesir neyh Noor fathiyah mesti berada di hadapan ataupon di belakang sy...muahaha...kali ini die depan sy..haiszz, tringt tyme skola uhh...rindoO!
p/s: tuU pics dewan xm uhh..

Mekaseh amat2 kat mak, ayah n shbt2...yg jaoh mahupon dekat...insan2 yg truly goOd listener, great motivator...mekaseh kerana support sy, sunggOh...i need ur supports - mak, ayah, m^@sh, beeb, aten n smue..huhhu~

p/s: tlg doa2kn ea kjyn, kselamatan, kesihatan km smue d perantauan neyh!

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AMARAN: entry kali ini agak ~~~

tyme sy xstabil

sy rindOo mereka!
sy rindoO die!
sy rindoO blik sy!
sy rindoO smue!
nk blik mesia..huu~

l8ly, pe aku pk pown ntah ah..
sakit tol study
azab tol hidup

semenjak hari itOo
hidupku xketahuan

(laa..mmg laa!
hidup xslaloOny sng uhh!)

sy dihujani konflik
konflik bsme Mr. AnaT
musim dingin ngan Cik PhysiO
kemarau plak da ngan En. BioChem
Cik Histo pon turut serta lam konflik ni

suda2 la...
ckup la sy bkonflik ngn diri sy
sy bkonflik ngn pkcik mkcik arab g neyh

i'm sick of dz
sick of myself
sick of dz life



tyme sy agak stabil

saya bukan diorg
diorg bukan saya
saya tetap saya
mereka tetap mereka

mak sy ckp
"rindOo tuu nOrmal"

''i'm sick of diz, sick of diz life"
kalo sy xde da esok tuu?
sedangkan dosa sgt la bnyk
ALLAH trima ke amalan sy sblum neyh?
cene tuU?

azab ALLAH lagi Maha Dahsyat
mati itOo dimana2 bila2
hidup itu samar2, mati itu
moga2 husnul-khatimah ea...ameen~

sy tensen ble kantoi xm,
tp xtensen pon ble wt dosa?
ade sumtin wrong ngn sy...
diri...tlg upgrade diri..
hidOp xlme daa..

sy study neyh sbb pe sbnrnye?
tgk..btapa bnyknye khilaf diri ini...
ya ALLAH ttpknlah hati ini pd jalanMu

"ALLAH rindOo nk dengar rintihan hati
hambaNya yg tlah lme jaOh"
"Mujahadah tuU pahit sbb syurga tu mnis*"
itu antara pesan shbt yg sy slaloO sgt ggu
insan yg jaOh dimata, smbung sendiri.
*modified sket

jgn putus asa,
jgn putus doa
sungguh2 tawakkal!

tolongla tabah
tolongla bersyukur

Oo ALLAH, my Lord..
endowed us wif wisdom n knowledge
giv us d strength to get thru diz
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