
now and forever.

I wish you could know just how i feel,
There's so much craziness surrounding me,  
so much is going on - it gets hard to breath,
perhaps we live our life to fast.

Everything reminds me to no one else but you
When all my faith has gone, you bring it back to me,
Well, when I'm not sure of my priorities,
 your voice is like a wake up call to me.

I've lost sight of where im meant to be
When my head is strong, but my heart is weak, 
I'm full of arrogance and uncertainty,
you're always there to comfort me.

When I can't find the words, you teach my heart to speak.
Everybody's talking in words I don't understand, 
You got to be the only one, who knows just who I am 
And you're shining in the distance.

That's why I've been missing you lately.
i need you now and forever.
I guess there's so much more I have to learn,
I hope I can make it through. ameen~

[syukran to all]

p/s: on 23rd October 2010.
to my dearest lil' bro -Muhammad Akmal bin Mohammad Tahir.
Happy 11th Birthday! ;)

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Is said...

ramai ye besday bulan ni, hoho

natriumnatrium said...

hoho aah..ramai gak..buleyy makann kek slaloo uhh. ;p ngahaha. kek ang rituu aku ta makan punn huu

Anonymous said...

blog aku dah tukar alamat ke

oh man!


