
hati dan kekuatan.

kekuatan sebenar kita terletak pada hati.
[kekuatan sebenar kita terletak pada hati. tapi kenapa hari ini aku kuat, esok aku lemah? Ya ALLAH tetapkanlah hati ini pada jalanMu. Ameen]

namun, hati itu dikuasai oleh cintanya. Ini bermakna, cinta yang harus bersemi di hati mestilah cinta yang baik. barulah hati akan menjadi baik, dan seluruh anggota menjadi baik.

Sahl bin Abdullah berkata: "Tanda cintakan ALLAH adalah cintakan Al-Quran. Tanda cintakan Al-Quran adalah cintakan Nabi s.a.w. Tanda cintakan Nabi s.a.w adalah cintakan sunah Baginda. Tanda cintakan sunah Rasul adalah cintakan akhirat. Tanda cintakan akhirat ialah adalah tidak mencintai diri sendiri. Tanda tidak mencintai diri sendiri adalah membenci dunia. dan tanda benci dunia adalah tidak mengambil daripada dunia melainkan kadar yang mencukupi untuk sara hidup"

tapi, cinta ALLAH itu memerlukan mujahadah, kan? insyaALLAH, moga terus tabah menghadapi liku-liku kehidupan. "Dan sesiapa yang benar-benar bermujahadah di jalan Kami akan Kami tunjukkan jalan-jalan Kami. sesungguhnya ALLAH berserta dengan orang yang melakukan kebaikan." - surah al-Ankabut 29:69.

"Ya ALLAH ya tuhanku, aku memohon kasih sayang-Muu dan kasih orang yang mencintai-Mu, serta (kasihkan) amalan yang mendekatkanku kepada cinta-Mu. Ya ALLAH ya tuhanku, jadikanlah kasih-Mu lebih aku sukai berbanding diriku sendiri dan ahli keluargaku, dan daripada air yang sejuk." - antara doa Nabi Daud.
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so many things happen lately. 
perhaps we live our life too fast?
well, they said it's a fast-paced life. 
so true, i rather said so.
and things that keep us to the ground is: TRUTH.

and TRUTH...
truth are ugly and they hurt. [damn hurt]; 
hard to accept, but it's real. 
wake up, get real. [ok]
but it's my fault, so i accept it.
blame it to no one else, but me.

grant us serenity to accept things that we can't
strength to change things that we can
and wisdom to know the difference.
ameen ya rabb~

this very moment,
i wish i can walk while it's raining;
because no one knows i'm crying.
now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart.


i'm so grateful to have such wonderful friends in my life
they add colours to my life, teach me things i do not know
no matter who they are - in a way, they completed me.

sorry, readers.
nothing much to say.
because today is simply not my day.


Do remember me in your du'aa 
thank you.

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if it's a war that you ask, 
then it's a war that you get. 
may i know, just why you did this to me?
I'm not that strong to be in this war. 
but if I have to, I'll do whatever it takes. 
I'll let myself prepared, ready to face it.
or should i just calm down, sit and forget?
*peace* and let bygones be bygones, huh?
confused; but I'm not that  noble. damn.
i need to know. seek the truth - from you.
so, if it's war that you ask then it's a war that you get.
no matter what kind of war~ i don't care.

is this what that you really feel, dear?
i know how does it feels to be in your situation.
yeah, that very situation.

Moga ALLAH campakkan ketenangan dan kekuatan dalam diri,
dalam menghadapi mehnah dan tribulasi,
dalam proses mematangkan diri 
dalam usaha mencari jalan menuju Rabbi.

p/s: nyz a.k.a my dear hanis...jangan sedih sayang. I'll stand by you. I do care, and i do love you for who you are - my friend, the best one. my sista! we laugh, we cry - together, okay? don't keep it to yourself, let it out. I'll always be there, by your side no matter how far we are. have a safe journey back home!:)

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