
between d lines, huh?

to tell me the truth
To burden your mouth for what you say
No pieces of paper in the way
Cause i cant continue pretending to choose
The opposite sides on which we fall
No right minds could wrong be this many times
there's no such thing called coincidence rite?

My memory is cruel, huh?

If only i had been listening

I thought
i thought i was ready to bleed
That we'd move from the shadows on the wall
And stand in the center of it all
Too late two choices to stay or to leave
Mine was so easy to uncover
is that person already left with the other?

So i've learned to listen through silence

Leave unsaid unspoken
Eyes wide shut unopened
You and me
Always be
You and me
Always between the lines, rite?

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Ni antara pesanan slh seorang shbt sy –sblum die mghilangkan diri lg:

…Jgn disesali pengalaman pahit dlm kehidupan krn ia merupakan satu ilmu, wadah dan panduan di dalam perjalanan untuk mendapat keredhaan Tuhan…271209~

“..Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya jika kamu orang yg beriman..” (ali imran: 139)

..yakinlah dgn janji Allah itu, dan jangan cepat putus asa dengan masalah yg dihadapi…sebaliknya tingkatkan usaha dan kuatkan semangat utk mengatasinya..

“…dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya, tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yg kafir..” (yusuf: 12)

Ujian yang datang juga tanda Allah sayangkan kita…don’t be sad.

Yang dilihat dan diikur-Nya bukan sejauh mana usahamu…tp yg diharap, sejauh mana tawakkal, percaya nan jitu – pergantunganmu, xbmakna xperlu berusaha! Usahalah jgn sesekali berakidah bahawa usahamu penentu kejayaan..tetapi, berimanlah bahawa tawakkalmu itu sbnrnya hanya semata2 pd-Nya…itulah penentu kejayaanmu..kejayaan bukan milik sesiapa, tetapi adalah milik Allah..jadi, seyakinnya hendaklah dikau pohon dirinya smata..bittaufiq wannajah..

“Org yg bjaya adalah org yg berbaik sangka terhadap usahanya dan m’jangkakan kjyaan…apa yg dijangka dan disangka dlm hati adalah doa dm senyap.. (Razzi al-Mansur)

Allah menguji keikhlasan ble bsendirian, Allah mmberi kdewasaan ble ada mslh, Allah melatih ksabaran dalam kesakitan, Allah xpernah mengambil sesuatu yg kte syg kcuali dengan menggantikan yg lebih baik..

Ini pesanan shbt sy itu sblum sy fly:

“Rasulullah SAW bsabda: “Aku tnggalkan kpd kamu suatu perkara yg mana selagi kamu berpegang dgnnya, kamu sekali-kali tidak akan sesat..iaitu: kitab ALLAH dan sunnahku..” –HR: Muslim, Abu Daud & imam Malik.. SLMT BRMUSAFIR” 130909

Nk nanges bley dak? Huu~

Moga2 shbt sy tuu stil ingt sy lam doa die..huhu.

p/s:..rilly aPpreciate it…jzkk!! (if u’re readin dz ah kan-mslhnye..bc ke? haha)

Jgn la mnghilangkn diri, sepi tanpa khabar brita..huhu.. =D

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Haissz…roti sedap,

pizza sedap,

makrunah (pasta) pn sedap…

nasi yg masak kt umah pown sedap…

sume sedap…


musim sejuk plak..

makan sedap, tido lg la sedap..

sedap2 blaka..

last2 badan pon sedap!!


Cene neyh?

Dwet xmasok g,

kalo x, leyh nk g gym

(spe nk join?? haha)..

nk g jogging, jom!…


disebalik pulun2 study,

mkn mesti xlpe


tringat slalu kne mrh

tyme dlu2..

“study lupa, xmao study…tyme tgk tv/maen game/makan, on time-xlpe…”


buah kn bnyk??

Makan la buah!!


tp mslhnye…sume sy makan…

tu xtmasok puding2, manisan lg kn, kek smbut besday member g…


Mak, mngah, mkcik

n cousinz sume tnye…

cene je skang…hehe..

so, ni gmbr d latest ah…

agak latest la kowt..haha..

dz picz r spesel to u mak, mkcik, mngah…

kngah tatao la cene neyh…

huhuu…chubbier rite? Haha.

p/s: sme2 beramal- berhenti sebelum kenyang keyh!!! huu

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Erm2…first of all..congratz on ur wedding!

Specially to:

abg sufii, k.baya, bro faliq, akak pklong n laen2..

moga dirahmati Allah s.w.t, kekal hingga akhir hayat..bukan stakat anak cucu..ameen~

Sdeyhnye, xdpt g wedding diorg…

tp xpe la,

yg penting slamt suda diijabkabulkan…

rite?? Alhamdulillah.

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Allah knows best

even sumtimes
i alwez n alwez
wonder, y?

da guilt haunts...

we SHOULD...

"learn from yesterday
live for today
and hope for tomorrow"


"yesterday was a gift
today is present
tomorrow is a mystery"
p/s: miss mr.nalla 4 dz quote! hee~

forgive all my wrong deeds

May Allah s.w.t bless us
in health, body and soul.
life goes on...~

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npe ntah??

npe ea? ntah nape..aku da laen...haha...revolution ke pe? l8ly, mata aku neyh slalu dimasuki habuk dan sering menyebabkn berlaku tindak balas yg productny merupakn sejenis cecaer bak crystal...*pergh...xnak ngaku* apakah? mengapakah? adakah sebab aku da lme xpkai shampOo johnson n johnson 'no tears'? (haisszz kne bli satu neyh kowt)..haha.

erm2..bila famili, shbt2 aku msg ayatt power2 sket..tringat kt owg d mesia, famili n shbt2
conclusionnye: tringt owg tsyg yg jaoh d mata dekat d hati...mula laa reaction tsebut blaku
dan catalystnye mcm2 laaa.....moga2 aku tabah kt sni...ehem2..good girl and muslimah doctor is in progress, insyaAllah.

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dosa=balasan sbb wt mende xbaik

kifarah dosa=denda thdp pbuatan slh yg tlh kte lakukan

sme2 istighfar, jom..astaghfirullah.

takowt x ngn dosa?

erm...xtakowt eh?
takowt, tp ter'buat' gak...
erm..tggu long term effect = kifarah dosa.

kifarah dosa akibat dosa lalu
akn menyebabkan berlakunya hijab antara hati kita dgn Al-Khaliq...
hijab dari hidayahNya, dr ilmunya...
astaghfirullah, na'uzubillah...

Ya Allah, moga2 hati kami tidak terhijab dari hidayahMu, ilmuMu..
~sme2 biasakn diri sblum blaja...istighfar bnyk2.

bak pesanan ustaz...
"blaja kalo fhm, sng dapat...rezeki..alhamdulillah
blaja kalo xfhm, ssh...itu ujian, kifarah dosa...astaghfirullah..
ilmu itu milik Allah swt..kita bukan sape2 pown.."

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hijrah=perubahan (yg bgantung pd niat kte...)

1. niat: bjaya demi keredhaan Allah
hidup tuu kn ibadah..niat membezakan adat n niat la molek2.

2. plan: even rasulullah s.a.w nk hijrah pon de plan.
buat ssuatu yg luar biasa-rasullullah pilih hijrah tyme zohor (arab ramai tido, khailulah)...
so kte pown bleyh try yg luar biasa gak, kn?

3. tawakkal: rasulullah s.a.w btawakkal tgi mengatasi plan.
man proposes, God disposes...rite?
berusahalah seolah2 tiada tawakkal
bertawakkallah seolah2 tiada usaha...renung2kn.

4. bantuan: rasullah pon mntk bantuan org lain - jd penunjuk arah
so, kte nk bjya...jgn sorg2, mntk la ptolongan dr org yg bleyh dipercayai n arif.

5. mujahadah
smue org btanggungjawab lam mempertahnkn agama Allah..
xkira cene it your way...
walopn sket, Allah ttp akan nilai mende tuu..insyaAllah..
jalan kebaikan neyh- diuji!!
kalo xdiuji-xsampai thp (pjuangn) g ah tuu..

6. amanah: walopon rse diri xlayak...amanah ttp amanah..
so, WAJIb la wt sunggoh2, kn?

~ape2 jua usaha, sandarkan pd Allah swt..moga2 kberkatan dan rahmat Allah bsme2 kte...ameen.

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simple but complicated..

wt's da diff between
u like sth
u need sth?

simple but complicated.
dt's it.

p/s: oO..brain!! lets t8 a break...
do look things in diff perspectives.

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sdkit perkongsian..

1. masalah was2 (ragu2)....
- kurang iman + kurang ilmu...
cene nk wt?
- iman: mengaji (bc al-Quran)
-ilmu: tuntut ilmu, dampingi ulama.

2. main alat muzik (bertali etc)

ade ulama ckp bleyh main, ade ckp haram
tp lbeyh baik tinggalkn coz mende syubhat

a) bc al-Quran/pasang lagu kuat2 tyme org tido/solat etc coz ggu..
(indahny Islam smpi amek berat soal ni)
b) gne mende yg diwakafkan bkn dgn cre sepatotny.
c) cari kesalahan org lain

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always brings me back to You.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do
I'll still feel You here
'til the moment I'm gone.

You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much
than to drown in
Your love
Your Rahmaan
Your Mercy

You're on to me and all over
Something always brings me back to You
It never takes too long

"take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

You created everything
We belong to You
Ya Robb we raise our hands
Forever we thank You.."

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Korekaramo ganbatte kudasai.

Keep up your good work.

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hustle, bustle and so much muscle
cells about to separate
and i find it hard to concentrate


temporary this cash and carry
i'm stepping up to indicate
the time has come to deviate


death defying this mess i'm buying
it's raining down with love and hate
and i find it hard to motivate


estuary is blessed but scary
heart's about to palpitate
and i'm about to hesitate


there's a voice
tellin me
that i can get thru all of diz


amende aku merapu neyh? haisszz..
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salam...haisszz...sejak dua menjak neyh...aku perasan la gak..merapu aku maken kurang (btol ke haa?)..ntah ah...aku pown tataw...sebab stil bkonflik kowt..hee~xsampai bpe bulan jd student medic da konflik ke tiq?? Pe cer je neyh?? sengal...huu~ ea ah...haitt...nk jdik dr neyh kne pndai deal...nk deal ngn org, kne la deal ngn diri sendiri luu kn?? nk rawat org, diri sendiri kne btol luu...stil gelong*, positif2..+ve, datanglah! cepat tukarkan charge -ve yg ade tuu...neutralkan!!

erm...andailah mudah utk berubah, cm sng gk ah nk kmbali cam dulu, bak kte ustaz shauki (tasawuf) lam kelas ritu...berubah secara perlahan2 jgn drastik...berubah sbb fhm, bkn sbb semangat...cmtu haa...haisszz..biarlah sedikit, tp istiqamah...erm2...mslhny - slalu ke istiqamah?? huhuu...geleng2.

haisszz...suda2...stop...moga aku kmbali stabil...ameen.
walk ur talk...huh.
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I think I've already lost you
I think you're already gone
I think I'm finally scared now

You think I'm weak - but I think you're wrong
I think you're already leaving
There's an awful lot of breathing room
But I can hardly move

Cuz there's a little bit of something me
In everything in you

I think I could need - this in my life
I think I'm just scared - do I talk too much
I know this is wrong it's a problem I'm dealing...

you're still there..

although we're far
may this bond will last forever
here and thereafter..

i'm complicated + weird..huh.
and yet i need to know myself better
still searching for the right soul

thankz for being there..
it's more than wordz can say
how much i appreciate it.

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da berubah??


erm2 dunno whether ini
suatu berita yg gembira atawpun x
basyiran (brita gmbira)
nadziran (amaran)


act, dpt taw..
jadual exam - midterm
da berubah
da bertukar

ini buktinya

260110 PHYSIOLOGY (1000-1100)
280110 HISTOLOGY (1000-1100)
010210 ANATOMY (1000-1200)
040210 BIOCHEMISTRY (1000-1100)

ya Allah, tetapkanlah hati hambamu ini pd jalanmu...tabahkan hati ini... mudahkanlah kefahaman kami, kuatkanlah ingatan kami...
~ma'an najah wattaufeeq, gnbtttene!~

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muscles of arm? apakah?

huhu...tataw la...mimpi pe ntah ase nk share one of subtopics in Anatomy...muscles of arm...apakah?? erm2..

ceni...arm neyh ada flexor n extensor group. FLEXOR= biceps, coraco-brachialis (superficial=dkt ngn skin) n brachialis (deep=jaoh dr skin..dlm.). EXTENSOR=triceps.. smue muscle neyh are supplied by musculo-cutaneous nerve. tp, de gak ah small lateral part of brachialis - also supplied by a twig from radial nerve. (badan kte kn ada bnyk nerve, ala2 cm wayar or aliran chakra tuu) nk cite yg flexor neyh.

1.BICEPS-Brachii muscle. (ada 2 head, 1 insertion)

-origin: short head: tip of coracoid process in common with coraco-brachialis.
long head: mai dr supra-glenoid tubercle dlm fibrous capsule...descend btween 2 tuberosities then thru bicipital goove.

-insertion: 2 kepala tu bergabung kt lower third of d arm..inserted by:
1.bicipital tendon-kt rough posterior part of radial tuberosity
2.bicipital aponeurosis- arise from medial side of biceps, passes obliquely downward n medially to blend w deep fascia covering flexors of forearm...kt roof of cubital fossa.

-action: powerful supinator (insert kt radial tuberosity)..flexes d elbow ( helping brachialis).. tendon of long head, prevent gliding of d head of humerus (steadies)..biceps contract in flexion of shoulder joint.

2. CORACO-brachialis muscles

-origin: tip of coracoid process in common with short head of biceps

-insertion: into rough impression kt middle of medial border of shaft of humerus

-action: tolong2 lam flexion of shoulder joint + adduction of abducted arm


-origin: lower half of front of the shaft of the humerus (embracing insertion bg deltoid) + lateral n medial intermuscular septa.

-insertion: rough interior surface of coronoid process n ulnar tuberosity...converge from a thick tendon yg descends close to the anterior aspect of d capsule of elbow joint.

action: main flexor of d elbow.

haissz...xm da nk dekat neyh...astaghfirullah...tetapkanlah hati kami pd jalanmu ya Allah.

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...saat ituu..


ntah npe..
lepas ym ngn shbt
sejak stndrd 2 td
terdetik di hatiku...

rse sebak sgt...
(mmg dr sblum neyh pon)

terimbau kembali ms lalu...
btapa waktu pantas berlalu..
meninggalkn aku..

trimas doe...
kt mne2 pon korg
korg ttp aku ingt

ym, fb, smartvoip, etisalat n celcom
dan doa mnjd penghubung ukhwah..

keadaan kta sme
walo dmana pon kta brada
aku juga diduga di sini
cuma berbeza jarak dan masa

kta diuji dgn pelbagai cara
yg pasti kta diuji

aku percaya korg bleyh survive
korg pcaya aku bleyh survive
kta bleyh survive...!

"believe in urself".
"aku pcaya ang bole,
jgn tensen2...
stadi stkt yg mampu...
aku knal ang...
rmai org sokong ang.''

Allah tahu apa yg terbaek buatmu..

member2 seSKM, seMMAS!
thankz! rindu korg!

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There's two sides to every story
For every
shame there's a glory
And I've tried to keep a balance
Between the dark and the light
But something don't add up...huhu

"O ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer;
for God is with those who patiently persevere."

al-baqarah; oo2:153

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Cultivate your hunger before you idealize.
Motivate your anger to make them all realize.
Climbing the mountain, never coming down.
Break into the contents, never falling down.
My knee is still shaking,
like I was twelve,
Sneaking out of the classroom,
by the back door.
A man railed at me twice though,
but I didn't care.

Waiting is wasting for people like me.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
You say, "Dreams are dreams.
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore."
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul."
Take your time, baby,
your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul
to reach yourself before you gloom.
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing,
shadows of nothing.
You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way
to the point you see.

Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
~gnbtte til d end~

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as if in malaysia!!!

"as if we're in msia!!"

erm2...act, a fren of mine - shaymak...her dad keje kt egypt neyh w embassy - sebagai pegawai under JAKIM...n then da whole family - from bro to sisterz till granny dtg sni...

so, die pown wt open house ahad ritu!!!

umah cm hotel kowt!! memang!

pergh...mmg rse cm kt msia, xdpt bry ngn family kt msia - terubat la sket ble g umah die tuu...sembang ngn nenek, mak, ayah die sume...hehe...da tuu, mak n nenek die masak mknn totally cm kt msia!! rendang, kari, nasi impit, nasi minyak, ayam masak merah, pecal etc...ckup rse kowt!!! mcm2 ah...siap ada kuah rojak mak bee dr kedah (wlopon insan ni xmkn, tp hepi tgk member2 xcited mkn hee)...

thankz, shay (shaymak) n family!!

kitorg dpt cm2 info gak g...dpt resepi, n GK bout mesir - e.g owg kaya (jutawan) kt mesir neyh lbeyh drpd 20 juta owg...tgk je mesir neyh cikai2* (ala2 cm mundur)...jgn maen2 nk wt cne - pluang pkerjaan kt sni terhad, ngara darurat (dkt ngn israel laknatullah) so ble owg nmpk...of coz ah owg nmpk yg ni g (kmunduran)...huu~

p/s: huhuuu need to brush up my english...haiszz...

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