i wonder
who is the first person
dt start to use the
phrase "campus life"?
somebody from Einstein's era?
from Mars? Earth?
or who?
do inform me if you know..
i wonder
thinks bout dz "campus life"...
see things in "campus life"?
in wt perspective? any philosophy behind dt phrase?
erm..i dunno.
all i can say...
til dz moment, being a pre-medical student in INTEC, UiTM..
for bout more than one month..
1. tiring - hectic!
2. challenging - "adventure"!
3. full of risk - da higher the risk, da higher the gain, perhaps?
4. exciting
5. a new experience
6. a turning point of life - bid farewell to school life.
7. an oppoturnity
8. preparation
and others..
you can do some 'brainstorming' bout this topic...hee.
later then..
hv a nice day..
p/s: hv lots of assignment! quizzes!
wish me good luck..
" May Allah s.w.t bless us in health, body and soul..."
Majlis Sambutan Pelajar Baru IQRAC GEN 19
7 years ago
oOoOOii cik atiq oi..
ko da follow ak lom..
cam lom jer..
hurry up gurlz,follow2..hee~
aku da follow ko dowh..hehehe
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